Aunt is Single Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Darn straight. You read the Polka Dot Dress. I'm cool just like my aunt. Yeah, that's right. The aunt that I get to hang out with on weekends and high five. The aunt that I get to eat candy and dessert for breakfast with. The aunt that loves to hang with me and my stuffed animals. The coolest aunt around....
Crazy Aunt Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Honesty is the key to life and is important. Babies are the most honest creatures in the world they tell you they don't like something by crying, they tell you they want something by crying and they tell you they enjoy something by cry- laughing! Use this funny Polka Dot Dress to allow your baby to be even more honest...
Aunt is Single Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
It's the Aunts day to babysit and what better way to dress the baby than this cute Polka Dot Dress? There has been plenty of debate over whether or not it's ethical to use a baby as leverage to pick up dates! We say GO FOR IT! Why not? Babies are adorable and are the ultimate conversation starter! As its...