As we age, our sleeping cycles become lighter than they were in our youth. This makes catching some daytime zzz’s a must for many of the elder generation. Just sit the patriarch of the family in their favorite chair and in a matter of moments, the room will be filled with soft rumblings of blissful snoring. Household pets are thought to be the top snoozers in the home. Many like to say that babies are the victors in dozing off. Yet this grandchild Romper Bodysuit gives the true champions of daytime slumber their due: “If You Think I Nap A Lot, Check Out Grandpa!”
We wish we were in Cali right now, sitting on the beach whilst sippin’ on some gin and juice. We couldn’t be further from that daydream as of the moment. New Jersey isn’t exactly the sunniest, warm, and inviting of locations, but no one said life was perfect. We’re just content to be making spiffy little Romper Bodysuit we have here at Shirt Guru.
Key Features:
One-Piece BodySuit
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