Pacific Halibut Infant Toddler T Shirt
People travel far and wide to fish halibut. It is quite a sporting fish that ends up as a tasty meal! This Infant Toddler T Shirt can serve as your trophy. Your Pacific Halibut will surely wind up in your belly. The species of righteye flounder is found on the continental shelf of the Northern Pacific Ocean. They are brown...
Pacific Bonito Infant Toddler T Shirt
Ready for war? Don’t let the nickname bonehead fool you: the Pacific Bonito has the heart of a fighter. This Infant Toddler T Shirt should depict it with boxing gloves on its fins! Found along the Pacific Coast, this silvery tuna doesn’t seem like it would be a hard catch. Its average size is only 20 inches in length and...
Orangethroat Darter Infant Toddler T Shirt
Not all names are the perfect description of their owner. That’s not the case for the Orangethroat Darter. Averaging less than 2 inches in length, this orange and turquoise fish darts around many shallow waters in the Central US river basins. They make for a great tank fish and their prevalence would make you think it’s an easy catch. Best...
Orangespotted Sunfish Infant Toddler T Shirt
A fish that hates clear clean water? The small Orangespotted Sunfish chooses to reside in the sluggish turbid areas of the US fresh water systems. They thrive in the shallows around the banks as quite the predator. You would think this orange and turquoise fish should be an easy one to find, only a few inches in length but so...
Opah Infant Toddler T Shirt
Ever wanted to reel in a fish that seems out of this world? Averaging over 5 feet and 500 pounds, the Opah is as close as you will get (if you are able to find one). Only the luckiest of deep sea anglers have a shot at this warm colored and amazingly warm-blooded beast. Maybe this Infant Toddler T Shirt...
Northern Snakehead Infant Toddler T Shirt
Sometimes introducing a fish to new environments is a bad idea. This is the case with the Northern Snakehead. Thus if you are angling in any water that is not its native habitat of the Asian Pacific, environmentalists want you to take them home as a trophy. This Infant Toddler T Shirt can act as their wanted poster! The brown...
Northern Pike Fish Infant Toddler T Shirt
If you looked up the definition of the word predator in a fish dictionary, it would likely show an image of this carnivorous fish. Don’t believe me? This Infant Toddler T Shirt can act as an illustration to prove the Northern Pike is the epitome of an aquatic killer. These olive hued serpentine fish are prevalent in much of the...
Muskellunge Infant Toddler T Shirt
You better have patience, a strong arm, or a lot of luck on your side to reel in one of these huge freshies. It has been dubbed the Fish of 10,000 Casts a.k.a Very Hard to Catch. This Infant Toddler T Shirt could be a replica of the Muskellunge you wish you could have as a trophy on your wall....
Mosshead Warbonnet Infant Toddler T Shirt
There are some fish that are best observed, not hooked. This Infant Toddler T Shirt celebrates one such species: the Mosshead Warbonnet. If you ever came upon it while snorkeling the Northern Pacific or Canadian waters in which it resides, this brownish hued fish might seem more like a small eel to you. The 6 inch fish lives in rocky...
Longnose Lancetfish Infant Toddler T Shirt
Even the most seasoned deep sea fisherman would have to be lucky to hook one of these sea monsters. They are widespread among all of the Earth’s oceans, but this Infant Toddler T Shirt is probably the closest you will ever come to getting a Longnose Lancetfish in your grasp. This long slender silver predator is distinguishable by its high...
Scalyhead Sculpin Romper Bodysuit
The scalyhead sculpin has a weird name for an equally weird-looking fish. We say the stranger the better because it makes for a more interesting design. Despite all of this weirdness, its life cycle and habitat are pretty ordinary. The species is native to the eastern Pacific, and it can be identified by the orange linings of its gills. We...
Sandpaper Skate Romper Bodysuit
No one really makes an effort to catch a skate. It just so happens that you’ll reel one in while trying to catch a bottom-feeder. Though they may be a nuisance, we just can’t help but admire how cool they are. These weird-looking cartilaginous cousins of sharks, may not be they catch you want to take home, but they’re interesting...
Rio Grande Trout Romper Bodysuit
It may sound like a type of Spanish bandit, but the Rio Grande cutthroat trout is actually a pretty normal trout. At first, our imaginations were filled with images of fish holding tiny little cutlasses. This fish isn’t as cool as that, but it’s still moderately cool. You know why? Because we can catch them and eat them. The Rio...
Redfin Pickerel Romper Bodysuit
The redfin pickerel is a type of pike—that is, a fish characterized by an elongated body. And like all pikes, it is an ambush predator that lies in wait in vegetation for a prey to wander into its attack range. We wouldn’t recommend eating him, because of pollution concerns. Because redfin pickerel is a dominant predator in its environment, it...
Redeye Bass Romper Bodysuit
Anything with red eyes feels menacing to us. The redeye bass is such a creature with red eyes, but he’s really not frightening at all. Yep, just a normal bass that happens to have the eyes of killer. The redeye bass is part of the black bass family, so don’t get them mixed up with the shoal bass which, confusingly...
Redear Sunfish Romper Bodysuit
The redear sunfish is also known as the shellcracker because of its primary diet of mollusks and snails. The redear sunfish prowls lakebeds and eats any shelled creatures residing there. Because it has thick teeth, they’re able to crunch exoskeletons. Imagine eating that as a lunch? We like shellfish, but damn… at least we’d be getting our dietary intake of...
Redbreast Sunfish Romper Bodysuit
The redbreast sunfish gets its name from—wait for it—its red breast. They prefer rocky or vegetated pools, and are a popular pan-fish amongst anglers. They’re also a popular fish amongst hobbyists who keep aquariums. We can dig that, and when we’re not catching fish, we like looking at them, especially when they’re pretty. Redbreast sunfish can be caught using live...
Redbanded Rockfish Romper Bodysuit
The cool thing about the red-banded rockfish is that it can live a long time. In fact, some specimens have been reported to reach 106 years old. That’s pretty crazy. Yep, these geriatrics of the sea live in the Northern and Eastern Pacific Ocean, and have seen some importance in commercial fisheries. However, the red-banded rockfish is usually a bycatch...
Razorback Sucker Romper Bodysuit
The razorback sucker is not a fish that you want to catch and keep. Not because its name implies that’s it’s a fierce monster, but because these guys are critically endangered and have been federally protected since 1991. Commercial fishing and dam building decimated the stock, and as a result, these guys are on a “no catch” list. Oh well,...
Rainbow Trout Romper Bodysuit
You won’t be finding a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but the rainbow trout is a vital fish that has been transplanted and used for food in at least 45 countries. The United States in particular has some world-class fisheries of rainbow trout, such as the Great Lakes, and Wyoming’s Firehole River. ‘Merica! We just had...
Rainbow Darter Romper Bodysuit
The rainbow darter isn’t a fish that you’ll be mounting on your wall, with its miniscule size of three inches but its’s nonetheless alluring with a beautiful color scheme. You also won’t be finding one in a muddy lake anytime soon, as they prefer clean, running waters. We’ve made a Romper Bodysuit after the rainbow darter for all those fisherman...
Pink Salmon Romper Bodysuit
The term “pink salmon” may sound redundant, but not all salmon are pink. But not only is this salmon named for its pink color, but its species name means “humpie” when translated from Russian. The pink salmon has been an important fish in salmon production in North America and Russia, with the pink salmon accounting for most of Russia’s salmon...
Peacock Bass Romper Bodysuit
Commercial fishing trips are the ideal vacation for any angler. One of the best is any trip with the Peacock Bass as your aquatic target. This Romper Bodysuit is the perfect souvenir! Whether you take the trip or not, this bass is one to be celebrated. There are 15 known species but all are similar in yellow and brown coloration....
Paiute Cutthroat Trout Romper Bodysuit
You will find no rarer trout in the US than the Paiute Cutthroat Trout. That makes the strikingly iridescent fish quite a dream for any angler. This Romper Bodysuit is that dream come true. Restoration efforts are being made to save the trout in its native Sierra Nevada waters. Success has been minimal and has closed many fishing spots to...
Painted Greenling Romper Bodysuit
Along the Pacific coast, tide pools and rocky crags house a multitude of small aquatic species. None of them interest many anglers. There is no chance to hook one. But the Painted Greenling could become a catch for you with this Romper Bodysuit. The size of this bottom fish, averaging at just a few inches in length, might make it...
Paddlefish Romper Bodysuit
Deemed a primitive fish, this species is a great find for any angler. Maybe it is best to let this Romper Bodysuit be the only Paddlefish you ever reel in. The dinosaurs might have another extinct member from their time period, as numbers of this large filter feeder are on a swift decline. Pollution and human involvement has made one...
Pacific Halibut Romper Bodysuit
People travel far and wide to fish halibut. It is quite a sporting fish that ends up as a tasty meal! This Romper Bodysuit can serve as your trophy. Your Pacific Halibut will surely wind up in your belly. The species of righteye flounder is found on the continental shelf of the Northern Pacific Ocean. They are brown hued and...
Pacific Bonito Romper Bodysuit
Ready for war? Don’t let the nickname bonehead fool you: the Pacific Bonito has the heart of a fighter. This Romper Bodysuit should depict it with boxing gloves on its fins! Found along the Pacific Coast, this silvery tuna doesn’t seem like it would be a hard catch. Its average size is only 20 inches in length and 3 pounds...
Orangethroat Darter Romper Bodysuit
Not all names are the perfect description of their owner. That’s not the case for the Orangethroat Darter. Averaging less than 2 inches in length, this orange and turquoise fish darts around many shallow waters in the Central US river basins. They make for a great tank fish and their prevalence would make you think it’s an easy catch. Best...
Orangespotted Sunfish Romper Bodysuit
A fish that hates clear clean water? The small Orangespotted Sunfish chooses to reside in the sluggish turbid areas of the US fresh water systems. They thrive in the shallows around the banks as quite the predator. You would think this orange and turquoise fish should be an easy one to find, only a few inches in length but so...