Golden Trout Romper Bodysuit
Beauty and fish rarely go hand in hand. But if you ever were able to reel in a Golden Trout you probably would change your mind. Still don’t believe me? This Romper Bodysuit might be the ideal visual aid. The state freshwater fish of California is stunningly bright: a bunch of reds, oranges, and golds mingling to paint quite a...
Gila Trout Romper Bodysuit
Poor Gila Trout. They have been over fished through the years and their populations are now threatened. That isn’t good news for any angler hoping to reel in one of these yellow beauties. Both Arizona and New Mexico are implementing catch and release regulations so you won’t be able to keep the fish for yourself. This Romper Bodysuit could be...
Freshwater Drum Romper Bodysuit
You have to be ready for a fight if you try and reel in a Freshwater Drum. Sure, it makes for a tasty meal, but they will go down swinging. At least they are widely distributed in many freshwater habitats from the Hudson Bay all the way down to Guatemala. That’s around 2,500 miles of prime fishing. Whether grey or...
Fluffy Sculpin Romper Bodysuit
Ever looked for bait in tide pools along the Pacific Coast? If you have, you have probably encountered one of the over 70 species of sculpins. Ever bag a Fluffy Sculpin? Then, this Romper Bodysuit is for you! Most likely, you were wading in some algae if you did bag this 3 inch fish. They have been known to be...
Flathead Catfish Romper Bodysuit
When you hear the term Big Three, what pops into your mind? If you immediately thought catfish, then this Romper Bodysuit would be quite a catch for you. That oft used term has stood in for many trios over time, but we’re talking about the real big three: Blue, Channel, and Flathead Catfish! Differences are abundant – Flathead Catfish do...
Dolly Varden Romper Bodysuit
Why do people more commonly call the Dolly Varden a trout? Just because they are in the same family as them, the Dolly Varden is a really a char! The two fish may look alike in form but their colorations are totally opposite. Trout are light colored. Dolly Varden are dark colored with bright colorful spots. You can look just...
Darkblotched Rockfish Romper Bodysuit
Ever fished off the coast of the Last Frontier? Then, I am sure you have hooked many a rockfish considering there are over 70 species of the fish. But if you are one of the lucky anglers to have hooked and lined a Darkblotched Rockfish, then this Romper Bodysuit is perfect for you! Alaska’s coast has been overfished over the...
Common Thresher Shark Romper Bodysuit
What a foxy fish! Okay I know the Common Thresher Shark isn’t usually called a fish. You more often than not just say thresher (or sea fox). But sharks are neither mammals nor reptiles: they are fish! Whether you seek them out in continental or open water, remember to bring a net! And only the most seasoned angler would be...
Coho Salmon Romper Bodysuit
Silvers? Fall Princes? How many nicknames does one fish need? Well, if you are a lover of the oft aliased Coho Salmon, then this Romper Bodysuit was made for you! Do you fish them in the Great Lakes or in their main habitat along the Pacific Coast? Either way, you are sure in for a tough fight with this prime...
Coastal Cutthroat Trout Romper Bodysuit
If you can’t see the bottom, you are too deep! Don’t believe me? Just try to troll a Coastal Cutthroat Trout where the water doesn’t move freely. Even the most seasoned of fly fisherman would be lucky to get a nip! I mean, it’s even in their name! Coastal, as in the Pacific Coast where all four forms of this...
Chum Salmon Romper Bodysuit
This dog sure has quite a strong bite! Also known as “Dog Salmon”, Chum Salmon are the most distributed salmon on the Pacific Coast. The area of their habitat is so vast that it is hard for saltwater anglers to get a bite. Chum are mainly plankton eaters. Don’t let that fact fool you. If you manage to hook a...
Chinook Salmon Romper Bodysuit
The Chinook salmon is fish named after the Chinook people—a group of indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It’s also called the king salmon, and that’s a more accurate term, because it’s a fish that’s prized by anglers. If it’s prized by anglers, then there’s a good chance it’s going to end up on a Romper...
China Rockfish Romper Bodysuit
With a black body mottled with distinctive yellow patches, the China rockfish is the most alluring of the rockfish. Little is known behavioral wise about the fish, but fortunately for us, we don’t need to know much about it in order to catch one. They’ve been commercially popular in China since the 19th century and are usually sold alive in...
Chattahoochee Bass Romper Bodysuit
Along with the trout, the bass is one of those iconic American fish. Bass fishing is so popular, that it’s become its own form of fishing, complete with its own special equipment. The Chattahoochee Bass is part of the black bass family, which are considered the most sought-after in bass fishing. Why? Because they put up a good fight and...
Channel Catfish Romper Bodysuit
Although the blue catfish is America’s largest type of catfish, the channel catfish is our most numerous. It’s the official fish of 5 states and is informally known as the “channel cat”. We love catfish, especially when it’s deep-fried, and the channel cat is the most fished catfish in North America. They’ll eat almost anything, and can be lured with...
Cabezon Romper Bodysuit
Cabezon is a Spanish word for stubborn or big headed, and is probably the most appropriate term to describe this fish. He’s a mean, obstinate looking critter and bears a striking resemblance to the scorpion fish. Don’t worry though, because he doesn’t have the venomous spines a scorpionfish possesses. They can be eaten and are a common game fish, but...
Burbot Romper Bodysuit
We don’t know why fish have multiple (and usually many) alternate names. We think it’s because of geographical distribution. The burbot, aka the bubbot, Mariah, the lawyer, or the lingcod, is a freshwater fish that requires frigid temperatures to breed. We don’t know about its aliases, but the burbot’s name comes from the Latin word barba meaning whisker or beard....
Bull Trout Romper Bodysuit
Over-fishing is an increasing problem today, and the bull trout is just another one of those creatures on the endangered species list. Don’t worry, because the average fisherman isn’t to blame—the commercial enterprises take the bulk of that responsibility. But if you like to fish in the high mountains or coastal rivers of the Northwestern US, you’ve probably caught a...
Brown Trout Romper Bodysuit
We love the trout because it’s one of the bread-and-butter North American fresh fish. The brown trout is no exception, and has been popular with fisherman for centuries. Although originally a European fish that was introduced to North America and other suitable locations, the brown trout continues to be an endless source of food and sport throughout the world. Many...
Brown Catshark Romper Bodysuit
This amazing Romper Bodysuit brings you the brown catshark. Yes, we said catshark, not catfish. Little is known about the catshark’s behavior, and like its fur-covered mammalian counterpart, it’s thought to be a solitary and nocturnal creature. What’s good about the catshark is that it doesn’t live in your home, poop in a box, and knock stuff off your kitchen...
Bowfin Romper Bodysuit
Compared to its other names, bowfin sounds the most elegant. It’s also called the dogfish, mudfish, mud pike, griddle, and grinnel. The bowfin was a fish that wasn’t initially sought after by anglers because of it bland tasting meat , but has gathered a following among sport fisherman recently due to its ability to put up a good fight while...
Bluegill Romper Bodysuit
Fish generally aren’t picky eaters and the bluegill is no exception. It’ll eat anything that can fit into its mouth, and we in turn like putting the Bluegill in our mouths—after it’s been fried in a pan. Because it’ll eat anything, you can catch it with just about any bait: hotdogs, American cheese, maggots, pieces of corn, or even a...
Blue Shark Romper Bodysuit
Sharks a bad rap. If they swim by and take a chunk out of you, it’s not because they’re emotionless sociopaths, it’s because they’re just curious. Enter the blue shark: one of the kinder, laid-back sharks. They inhabit tropical waters, are generally lethargic, and rarely bite humans. Unfortunately, they’re being fished to death because they’re fins are used for shark-fin...
Blue Catfish Romper Bodysuit
The blue catfish is the largest species of North American catfish. This one in particular can weigh up to 150lbs! We’ll just say that anglers in Virginia and South Carolina have set some records with this guy. Did you ever see those shows on television where they catch catfish by grabbing them on the inside of their mouths? Well, this...
Black Bullhead Romper Bodysuit
The black bullhead has a tough sounding name, but he’s really not that tough. He won’t win any awards for looks, that’s for sure. He does have some interesting traits though, like his voracious appetite that allows him to eat almost anything: plant matter, dead or living fish, and crustaceans. He also likes to live in waters that are brackish...
Atlantic Sailfish Romper Bodysuit
Look at the size of that mother! It’s the Atlantic sailfish! If you thought it was a Marlin, you’d be partly right, as the sailfish is a closely related species. They can grow up to be 10 feet long and 128lbs, so reeling in this bad boy is not for the faint of heart, or for the faint of bicep...
Arctic Grayling Romper Bodysuit
We never liked the cold weather, but this is a sweet Romper Bodysuit for fishermen who love the deep freeze and all the fish that come with it. We’re talking about the Artic Grayling, a fish native throughout the Arctic and Pacific drainages in Canada, Alaska, and Siberia. They’re places that are cold, yet beautiful, just like this fish. But...
Apache Trout Romper Bodysuit
The Apache trout is closely related to the salmon and is one of the Pacific trout. Not only that, but it’s Arizona’s state fish, and is only one of two species of trout that come from that state. The Apache trout gets its name from the prominent Indian tribe located in Arizona. Also, because the fish was endangered during the...
American Shad Romper Bodysuit
This isn’t just some regular ol’ shad, it’s the American shad. Everything is better when it’s American! An anadromous species, these delicious bad-boys are naturally occurring on the North American coast of the North Atlantic, from New Foundland to Florida. They’re on the Pacific coast as well, but as an introduced species. Why did we refer to them as delicious?...
Yellowstone Trout Romper Bodysuit
If you enjoy fly-fishing, then the Yellowstone cutthroat trout is the specimen to seek out. Because the adults feed primarily on insects as adults, catching them with a fly lure is ideal. This is good because it gives us an excuse to travel to Yellowstone National Park. Could you image a more picturesque, American image than fly-fishing in Yellowstone? It’s...