Baby Accident Infant Toddler T Shirt
Should have got the name brand diapers. Now the baby has leaked through its diaper and you are left to clean the mess. We have all gone through this before; our babies pee and they pee a lot. Peeing is basically one of the only things that babies do all day so buying the proper diapers is important. This funny...
Baby Pinch Infant Toddler T Shirt
Every baby has that one Aunt or Uncle who can't keep their hands off them no matter what you the parents say about it. Pinching the cute baby face is something all babies and toddlers dread. We don't blame them pinches hurt and we seem to forget that when we pinch babies. This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect...
Baby Toilet Infant Toddler T Shirt
Babies are difficult to potty train. Sure it's in our blood and instinct to kind of know what we should do but, that doesn’t mean it's easy. Sometimes babies get ahead of themselves and start to try to potty train themselves and well that does not end well. This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect for any parent who...
Baby Beach Infant Toddler T Shirt
It's always fun to bring your child to the beach and watch him or her playing in the sand and enjoying the summer fun. Toddlers and babies love the beach because it's fun and there are so many things to play with, of course they are super small and are basically babies so things are a little difficult for them....
Baby Food Infant Toddler T Shirt
We have all seen this before; we put some baby food on the high-chair, turn around for two seconds and when we turn back around the baby food is all over the baby and everywhere except the babies mouth. This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect for all parents who know how frustrating and hilarious it is to feed...
Baby Boy Infant Toddler T Shirt
Life for a baby boy is difficult. They have to crawl around by themselves and anytime they find something mildly fun to play with the parents take it away. They are forced to wear manly things they don't even know about like sports and beer stuff; it's all super uncomfortable and they would rather just run around naked. This funny...
Baby Girl Infant Toddler T Shirt
Life isn't all fun and games for little girls. They have to crawl around, play with things, get into places they're not supposed to and ruin mom’s jewelry. This is incredible stressful work for a child. Then worst of all they have to be forced into uncomfortable clothes that look like a French women went to an Italian five star...
Poop in Bath Infant Toddler T Shirt
Bath time! Some babies love baths and some don’t whether your child is screaming about it or cheering about it, this funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect to dress them in afterwards. It doesn't matter if children like or dislike the bath; they are probably going to poop in the water. That is just something that happens because babies...
Boy and Girl Logo Infant Toddler T Shirt
Sometimes life for a child isn't easy. Sure we all like to wish that we can be a child again but, sometimes a baby or toddler's life is poop. Not everything is all fun and games for a baby; they have a lot of things they need to do and a lot of things they can't do, because they're babies...
Baby Scold Infant Toddler T Shirt
Babies and toddlers have to deal with a lot of cra- I mean poop. A baby doesn't know what it's doing. All it wants to do is crawl around and look and play with stuff. When you yell at them they don't understand what you’re talking about they are just going to stare at you. This funny Infant Toddler T...
Ball Pit Infant Toddler T Shirt
The ball pit; the super popular pit of germs and bacteria and a cesspool of baby poop and other bodily liquids. It's basically the funnest thing ever and it is a shame that most of them are gone. All parents have felt that uncertain feeling of their child in a ball pit. This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect...