You're pregs for days. Pregs for months even. You feel your little baby boy kicking and screaming inside you. You feel your cute little girl running around inside you and goofing off. This Heavy Cotton Maternity T-Shirt is the thing to have when your little one is running around inside you. Wear this with pride as you go about your day and have a good time with your little baby to come. Rock this and show it to the world that you're gonna be a mom that's pregs for days. Wear this and show it to the entire place that you're going to be a mother after those days.
Can't wait to see your little guy or gal? Then this Heavy Cotton Maternity T-Shirt is for you. Prepare your little one with these awesome Heavy Cotton Maternity T-Shirt and show them that you truly love them. Whether you love giving them a geeky onesie or a heartfelt shirt on your stomach to up the anticipation this is definitely for you. For all the mothers-to-be out there and for all the cool young lassie's out there who are just so gosh darn excited for their little precious bundle of joy.
Key Features:
Heavy Cotton Maternity T-Shirt
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