We love relegating old fads to this napping Polka Dot Dress status. At this point they’re old hat, so why not put them on a design like this one? It’s where old fads go to die, you know. Your baby likes big naps and he cannot lie, but we often wonder what the difference is between a big nap and just sleeping. Could it be said when we go to sleep for the night, we’re actually taking a big nap? I guess the point is that your child sleeps a lot—he is a newborn after all. Just make sure that he gets enough big naps during the day or else is going to be cranky.
They don’t wear masks and capes. They don’t have super powers. Yet they are the true super heroes of the world. These super heroes wear Kevlar and vulnerably patrol our neighborhoods every day to keep the peace and us safe. Here at Tactical Tees™, we support all of the men and women in America’s law enforcement squads. This Polka Dot Dress is for the child who wishes that he could dress up like a super hero every day. It might not seem to be so, but we feel that it is the true representation of what Superman’s armor looks like!
Key Features:
Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
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