Watch Your Language Infant Toddler T Shirt
It's fucking annoying when people curse in front of children and babies! Maybe a little baby can't understand it but, children are extremely absorbent and easy to influence and they absorb everything that people say. This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect for your baby so when adults are getting rowdy and are cursing at least your baby can...
Made In Vachina Infant Toddler T Shirt
Isn't it just so irksome when you look on the tag or label of something and realize it was made in China? It seems like everything is made in China these days. Hell, half the babies that people adopt were made in China too! We have a label here with this funny Infant Toddler T Shirt that all parents can...
Won The Race Infant Toddler T Shirt
Hooray, you won! Being born means winning the greatest race of all. Even if you never accomplish anything notable for the rest of your life, you can at least tell everyone that you won the only thing that really matters: life. Keep in mind, you didn’t conquer life in the sense that you’ve achieved mastery over your own; you simply...
You Ain't Cool Infant Toddler T Shirt
Peeing your pants has always been a bad thing for so many years! Society tells us that it is wrong and yet so many do it. We have seen on cartoons and TV shows and movies that peeing yourself is a sign of weakness and everyone gets made fun of for doing it! Not anymore! This cool Infant Toddler T...
Ugly People Infant Toddler T Shirt
Have you found it strange that babies will cry and scream when certain people hold them and be completely fine with most other people? Well with this funny Infant Toddler T Shirt everyone who picks up your baby will be taking the ugly test because as it says, your baby will only cry when ugly people hold it! I wouldn’t...
Lock Up Your Daughters Infant Toddler T Shirt
This is your one and only warning: lock up your daughters parents because we have one handsome little boy here and he is going to be praying on those baby dolls like only a true little baby player can! This cute Infant Toddler T Shirt is hilariously adorable for any parents to dress their child in. This little handsome devil...
Shits and Giggles Infant Toddler T Shirt
Shits and giggles has been a popular phrase for a long time now. Example: you should buy this funny Infant Toddler T Shirt for shits and giggles! It's simple and ironic since your baby basically only shits and giggles like exclusively. I mean, I guess that is hard-wired into all humans. Anyway, you will be sure to have a bunch...
Can't Resist Nurses Infant Toddler T Shirt
Everybody has a thing. What I mean is that everyone has a… you know, a special thing that makes them go a little…wild! We could just say it but, it will be a little too much so just use your imagination. Your thing happens to be nurses and boy, you cannot resist! This cute ironic Infant Toddler T Shirt is...
Backrub Infant Toddler T Shirt
Things in your home escalate quickly: that time when you had friends over and there was one beer left - turned into a free-for-all brawl, that time when arguing your point escalated into a fully thought out court room session or that time when flipping a coin to choose between your movie or your partners movie escalted into best 543...
Straight Outta Mommy Infant Toddler T Shirt
There are some great references out there these days but, you don't have to be a fan of rap to think this cute Infant Toddler T Shirt is hilarious and clever! Maybe the inside of mommy may not be as bad a Compton but, it says a lot about your baby anyway! Show everyone that your baby is awesome cause...
Get A Drink Infant Toddler T Shirt
Sometimes you just have to be forceful with your demands. Baby needs a drink so pull that tit out and feed the damn thing already! Babies are always hungry and when they are not hungry they are pooping and will be hungry again! Make sure those tits are ready otherwise this hardcore baby is going to find another, more punctual...
Watch The Language Infant Toddler T Shirt
Diapers are not the only absorbent aspect of your child’s life. Their brains are like little sponges, constantly taking in the world around them as they formulate their own sense of personal identity. This facet of youth is not always a blessing in one’s life. There are many situations in which it can be a curse… literally! With this rude...
Little Ass Kicker Infant Toddler T Shirt
Life is like a boxing match: defeat is not when you fall, but when you refuse to get back up. Sure, your child may not understand, but one is never too young to proclaim their inner fearless fighting spirit. This boxing Infant Toddler T Shirt is for all the parents who are proud of their own little fighter, also known...
Like My Daddy Infant Toddler T Shirt
Babies don't do much and it's a pretty well known fact that they tend to mimic and absorb the things we do. This cute drinking Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect for your baby because it doesn’t exactly what daddy does, which is drinking until they pass out! The contents of their bottles are drastically different but, they both have...
9 Months On The Inside Infant Toddler T Shirt
A baby may not have been in jail, that would require lots of evidence, trial and the whole justice crap but, it is really funny to make an ironic comparison of your belly or womb to jail! This funny jail Infant Toddler T Shirt is the perfect way to let your child act as if it is completely free now...
Tore Mommy A New One Infant Toddler T Shirt
Honesty and irony go together better than the ending of Grease! This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is abundant with both and is perfect for any parents looking to dress their children in something funny and true! Imagine if your child actually said this! It would be hilarious and that's why any parent can be proud of their child unknowingly...
Party At My Crib Infant Toddler T Shirt
Everyone likes a good party and with this party Infant Toddler T Shirt your baby can show all the babies that its party is going to be out of control! The party is at 3 am! Right during the deep sleep cycle of the parents and baby's "midnight snack." There is going to be bottles everywhere and those babies are...
Drinking Buddy Infant Toddler T Shirt
You’re Daddy’s drinking buddy. You even act like your drunk by pissing your pants and indiscriminately vomiting! Yep, while Daddy is having a couple a beers, you can relax and suck off of a nice bottle of baby formula. It’ll be a good ol’ father-son bonding session, even though you’ll have no idea what’s going on because you’re a baby....
Happened In Vegas Infant Toddler T Shirt
They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless you take what happened in Vegas home with you, than it is not in Las Vegas anymore! This hilarious Vegas Infant Toddler T Shirt is perfect for your baby considering it truly is what happened in Vegas! Plus, in the addition of being conceived in Vegas it will be hilarious...
I'll Pee on You Infant Toddler T Shirt
Babies put up with a lot of crap and not just literally. If you really think about it, people are super annoying when it comes to babies and never leave them alone! Grandparents smooching, getting held all the time and of course the cheek pinching! Everyone pinches your baby’s cheeks even total strangers and it is getting way out of...
Just Burpeed Infant Toddler T Shirt
Brisco Brands gives you the opportunity to say what you want in style. This Infant Toddler T Shirt lets you make a statement, show your opinion on a hot button topic, and more! With this Infant Toddler T Shirt, be sure to show how you're really feeling - right on your sleeve! Don't be afraid to say anything with this...
Rock Shirt Infant Toddler T Shirt
Your little rocker deserves to be rocking out everywhere he or she goes. If you need a rock shirt for your baby look no farther then this cute Infant Toddler T Shirt. Babies’ rock and you rocking parents can't wait to be head-banging with your child! Get your baby ready for all the little rock shirts he or she will...
Wipe My Butt Infant Toddler T Shirt
The "keep calm" quote is one of the most over-used and under-done phrases ever! The iterations of the "keep calm" statement are endless and now with this funny Infant Toddler T Shirt the "keep calm" saying has now invaded on our babies! We will admit this cute Infant Toddler T Shirt is pretty damn hilarious and any parent would enjoy...
Tit Faced Infant Toddler T Shirt
Babies can't get shit faced because they don't drink alcohol! But the do drink a lot of milk, so much milk that they get to the point of being milk-drunk and not just milk-drunk they get completely tit faced! Nothing like seeing a baby drink so hard that they start spitting up, passing out and being completely tit faced and...
Best Oops Ever Infant Toddler T Shirt
Sometimes things just happen; you don't plan for them, you don't expect them, perhaps you don't even want them to happen but, it doesn't matter because it happens anyway. Your baby is one of those. Not in a bad way, like it says it's the "best oops ever!" It is an oops nonetheless though and it can't be helped. That...
I Drink Alone Infant Toddler T Shirt
Does that milk happen to have a little bourbon in it? Whatever you give your child to suck off of, you can be rest assured that your little tot is a brooding rebel in the making and that’s why we’ve made this drinking Infant Toddler T Shirt. He/she drinks alone, with nobody else. You’re training them for all those years...
Ship Don't Stink Infant Toddler T Shirt
This nautical Infant Toddler T Shirt is just full of puns and we love it. It’s a clever, baby friendly way of using a certain phrase that would otherwise be inappropriate in public. However, while you’re baby’s “ship” may not stink, we would argue that something else does. Let’s just step outside the realm of wordplay and phrases for one...
Surprise! Infant Toddler T Shirt
Remember that night on vacation in Cancun? Well, surprise! This is what happened because of it! Some surprises are fun like a surprise birthday party and some are interesting with mixed feelings like; surprise, you won a $50 gift card but you need to spend $200 to use it! Same with this funny surprise Infant Toddler T Shirt; a baby...
Running Out of Womb Infant Toddler T Shirt
Who doesn't love cute baby related puns? This funny Infant Toddler T Shirt is a hilarious way for parents to dress their babies in funny things that give others the unique perspective of the baby itself! Saying the baby was running out of womb is a great funny quote and pun that all mothers will get a good laugh at....
Made In Vachina Toddler Ruffled Trim T-Shirt
Isn't it just so irksome when you look on the tag or label of something and realize it was made in China? It seems like everything is made in China these days. Hell, half the babies that people adopt were made in China too! We have a label here with this funny Ruffled Trim Toddler T-Shirt that all parents can...
Offensive Baby Clothes: Parents Cover Your Eyes
Have a feeling that your child is going to grow up a little edgy? Are you a parent with a wild side yourself? Then look no further. Our collection of Offensive Toddler Tees is perfect for your needs. Prepare your toddler for the future with these hilarious and slightly inappropriate designs. If you love these lewd and rude designs, check out our Funny Toddler Tees and Funny Onesies!