You're little guy is growing up. Here's a birthday boy. It seems like only yesterday, he was crawling on the floor and pooping in his diaper. And well, he still does that but he does it a year older now! How the days fly by with your little bundle of joy. Remember when he threw up on your favorite blouse? Or when he cried until 3 in the morning because he was hungry? Good times. And now we're celebrating his 1st birthday! Who knew that blowing out the candles would be so excited. So invite your friends and buy this Romper Bodysuit, we're gonna have a party!
You've got a number 1. Your birthday boy. Not only are you so proud of your little rascal but you're so excited! His birthday is here! This is for the parents who want to celebrate their little one right. This is for the parents who can't wait to blow out those birthday candles. This is for the parents who've spent months with no sleep with their little bundle of joy. If you love your baby boy and wanna show him the best first birthday ever grab this Romper Bodysuit!
Key Features:
One-Piece BodySuit
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