Everyone is so quick to blame the child but the fact of the matter is, the cat did it! Don't believe me? Look at the room, look at the mess! The evidence is clear that the cat did it but, it is just easier to blame me! Don't look at me, the cat did it and I could prove it if i could talk! This cute cat Football Infant Romper is perfect for all children who know what it's like to be blamed for everything that bad that happens in the house. Meanwhile, the cat is in the corner laughing and mocking the child, which is funny even though the kid didn't do it!
Baby Rabies is an affliction that affects thousands of women in the US annually and is no laughing matter. Though women in early adulthood are the most susceptible, women of all age groups can potentially contract Baby Rabies. The best course of action is to report any signs or symptoms of BR to your physician and to make sure that infants are kept out of sight of anyone with BR. We also recommend getting this chick magnet Football Infant Romper.
Key Features:
Football Romper Bodysuit
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