Is it the emotion of love that holds their hearts captive? Is the trust that is fostered by the growing bonds of a meaningful relationship? Ask a man what makes their marriage successful and the answer may seem only skin deep. Yet the beauty they covet from the one that they have claimed is not some realization of a shallow fantasy. It’s an appreciation of how fortunate he is to have her by his side. And when the family tree begins to grow, this prosperity will be cultivated even more as this lucky Romper Bodysuit attests: “I’m Cute, Mom’s Cute, Dad’s Lucky!”
‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’ ‘We did nothing wrong.’ Here at Shirt Guru, we think there is a more succinct way to stress that you’re not talking as printed on this witty Romper Bodysuit: “No Comment!” We are sure that you will be receiving many of these when you sport one of our Romper Bodysuit that may vary in humor but never in style. Our Romper Bodysuit touch on many aspects of our current popular culture so you will never find yourself behind the trends!
Key Features:
One-Piece BodySuit
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