Farming is not a job, farming is not a hobby or a pastime, though I suppose it can be those things but, not for you! For you, farming is a lifestyle. As a farmer, you work from morning until night, only stopping to eat, only stopping to sleep. Livestock won't tent themselves and neither will crop harvest themselves. You are a true farmer and it is your lifestyle and you are proud of it. However, like this funny farming Infant Toddler T Shirt states, you don't farm all the time! You stop for more than just eating or sleeping to... wink wink!
Say ‘hello’ to our line of many baby clothes that allow parents to cloth their pride and joy in style. Babies and children may not be able to read, but our designs allow them to convey their thoughts (or their parents’ thoughts) no voice required! This pineapple Infant Toddler T Shirt is a cute design reflecting the loving, affectionate nature of your child! Even if they have some pointy edges, they are fully sweet on the inside!
Key Features:
Infant & Toddler T-Shirt