What are you looking at? I'm not short - I'm elf-sized. Duh. Haven't you ever seen a little helper before? You know, Santa's right hand elf? We make the toys and make sure Christmas is a hit every single year! You've gotta be kidding me! Look at these pointy ears. Look at these green boots and hat. This jolly disposition! Of course, I'm an elf you fool. Now excuse while I need to go get the sleigh and prep for the season. Guess I better wear this Infant Baby Bib so Prancer's like you don't get mixed up again. Short? Hah! Don't make me laugh!
Tis the Christmas season and it's time to spread a little joy to your loved ones and drink some milk... This hilarious Infant Baby Bib is great for showing your Christmas spirit and show off elf side! Don this piece and look forward to some heated debates on what constitutes an elf. Christmas time is here so break out the eggnog and spread the Christmas joy with this Infant Baby Bib. This is your new favorite holiday piece to wear in the winter. Yule won't be disappointed.
Key Features:
Infant & Baby Bib