Here's why cousins are special: they're the perfect combination of brother, sister, and best friend. Some cousins are really great, and others are just okay -they're mediocre. Family reunions just aren't they same, they aren't fun until your most okay cousin shows up. As part of the extended family, it's the cousins job to represent to the fullest with this Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt. Your cousin will always come through for you, so show them love on Christmas, their birthday, or any holiday occasion with this Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt as a gift!
Imagine looking back at pictures of the family reunion photoshoot, and your cousin is wearing this Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt. Wouldn't that be awesome? Cousins are the coolest fall somewhere inbetween a brother or sister, and a best friend. Your cousin would love to receive this hilarious Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt on their birthday, Christmas, or any holiday occasion. There's nothing wrong with bragging and telling your cousins that you're they're okay! Order now!
Key Features:
Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt