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Valentine’s Day Ideas for New Parents

Everything changes in a flash when a family grows from two to three, and the romance between parents can suffer. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to fan the flames of love. If you aren’t ready to briefly part with the baby, there are plenty of ways to make it work. The following are a few Valentine’s Day tips for new parents. Keep your expectations in check, just in case best laid plans are tougher to pull off than anticipated.

Have Lunch Together

While most couples are stressing over grabbing a table at the perfect Valentine’s Day dinner spot, share a fancy lunch together, instead. You and your beloved Valentine can relax and enjoy getting out, like old times. Infants are usually pretty easy to bring along, as long as they have a full belly and a clean diaper. If you have a trusted babysitter, even better.

Create a Romantic Dinner Setting

Even if you forego the candlelit restaurant, you can create a similar setting at home. Order take-out so that both of you can relax and enjoy a Valentine’s Day dinner for two. Clear away the baby supplies and dirty laundry, so that you aren’t stressed by the sight of clutter with ever flicker of a candle. Simply turn down the lights and play some nice dancing music, for a truly romantic night under your own roof.

Exchange Thoughtful Gifts

Spend some time thinking of something that really makes your spouse happy. It could be a love letter, a spa day, tickets to an event, or jewelry. Try to pack in the sentiment. Present the thoughtful gifts to one another. Then enjoy relaxing snuggles and some sparkling wine while you watch a late-night movie.

Home Spa

Finding time for one another for Valentine’s Day can feel like a miracle. The best option for some time as a couple could be as simple, relaxing, and romantic as enjoying a hot bath together and exchanging massages. Fill the air with pleasant scents and light some candles. If you’re as exhausted as most new parents, this may be your favorite Valentine’s Day idea.

One of the best thing parents can do for their children is to keep romance alive and the marriage strong. There’s something extra special about keeping up the tradition of spending time together on the one day per year the world is focused on romantic love.

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