Tangerine Darter Romper Bodysuit
The Tangerine Darter may be a nongame species, but it’s one beauty of a fish! Nicknamed the River Slick, this perch makes its habitat in the streams of the Appalachian Mountains. Averaging 5 inches, these small orange gilled darters are true to their name, darting to and fro while eating aquatic insects from vegetation. This can cause an angler with...
Black Crappie Fishing Romper Bodysuit
We don’t know why it’s called a black crappie, but it’s certainly a quirky name. We’ll refrain from the poop jokes here. All you need to know is that crappies are very popular sport fish because they’re easy to catch during their feeding times. Because they’re so popular, we’ve made a Romper Bodysuit out of them because catching on to...
Rainbow Trout Infant Toddler T Shirt
You won’t be finding a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but the rainbow trout is a vital fish that has been transplanted and used for food in at least 45 countries. The United States in particular has some world-class fisheries of rainbow trout, such as the Great Lakes, and Wyoming’s Firehole River. ‘Merica! We just had...
Red Drum Fish Romper Bodysuit
Red drum is a popular fish that lives in the Atlantic. Unfortunately, the red drum has been the victim of popularity and in the early 1980s, chef Paul Prudhomme made a signature dish using the fish. Because the seasoning on the dish became commercially available and so popular, this lead to an increase in demand for the red drum. The...
Pumpkinseed Romper Bodysuit
The pumpkinseed may just be one of our favorite fish just because of its unusual name. We also love the Pumpkinseed because it’s easy to catch, and after a long day of hunting trophy fish, sometimes we just want something that’ll catch itself. It’s willingness to bite on a worm also makes it great for fisherman who are still learning...
Northern Pike Fish Romper Bodysuit
If you looked up the definition of the word predator in a fish dictionary, it would likely show an image of this carnivorous fish. Don’t believe me? This Romper Bodysuit can act as an illustration to prove the Northern Pike is the epitome of an aquatic killer. These olive hued serpentine fish are prevalent in much of the Northern Hemisphere’s...
Burbot Infant Toddler T Shirt
We don’t know why fish have multiple (and usually many) alternate names. We think it’s because of geographical distribution. The burbot, aka the bubbot, Mariah, the lawyer, or the lingcod, is a freshwater fish that requires frigid temperatures to breed. We don’t know about its aliases, but the burbot’s name comes from the Latin word barba meaning whisker or beard....
Bluegill Infant Toddler T Shirt
Fish generally aren’t picky eaters and the bluegill is no exception. It’ll eat anything that can fit into its mouth, and we in turn like putting the Bluegill in our mouths—after it’s been fried in a pan. Because it’ll eat anything, you can catch it with just about any bait: hotdogs, American cheese, maggots, pieces of corn, or even a...
White Crappie Infant Toddler T Shirt
All throughout North America’s fresh waters systems, anglers are able to fish for these sunfish year round! The Central US states are the best bet to find both species of Crappie. This Infant Toddler T Shirt celebrates one of them: the White Crappie. Both Black and White Crappies are similar in their 8 inch length and less than a pound...
Holiday Darter Romper Bodysuit
Ever dreamed of angling in a Holiday Darter? Well, this Romper Bodysuit is as close to the real thing you will get on your line. Found in the Southeastern US water system, they swim freely; their brightly colored gills making them look like quite the prize. Yet their populations have dwindled to the point that they are classified as threatened....
Greenback Trout Romper Bodysuit
Think you caught a Greenback Cutthroat Trout on your line while angling in the Rocky Mountain waters? You probably need to uncheck him from your list of bagged beauties. This Romper Bodysuit can be a substitute. The trout is considered threatened in the wild, and even more harrowing is the fact that some species thought to be Greenbacks were actually...
Greater Redhorse Romper Bodysuit
It has been called the ultimate catch! If your arm is ready for an epic battle, the Greater Redhorse is for you! This Romper Bodysuit can be your armor. You will need it as the Redhorse never is an easy catch. Remember to bring a net as the swift currents in the water they reside will make their 10 pound...
Brook Trout Fish Romper Bodysuit
The brook trout is one of those classic fresh-water American fish; it’s the state fish for nine states. The brook trout is one of the most popular fish amongst fly fishermen, but they’re on conservation status and many anglers use catch-and-release tactics to preserve the current population. That being said, they’re raised commercially in large numbers for food production in...
Alligator Gar Romper Bodysuit
Often referred to as "living fossils," Alligator Gars are among the largest species of Gar and one of the largest types of freshwater fish in North America! They tend to grow around 6-8 feet and over 300 pounds although the largest ever officially recorded catch of an Alligator Gar was 8 feet long and weighed 327 pounds. This is one...
Yellow Perch Romper Bodysuit
With their mild flavor, the yellow perch is one of the finest pan fish. Don’t be fooled when you go to a restaurant though, because white perch, rock bass, and other sunfish are mispresented as “perch” on the menus. We accept no substitutes, and recommend that you get some yellow perch on your taste buds—preferably after you’ve reeled him in...
White Sturgeon Romper Bodysuit
North America’s largest freshwater fish might be a bottom-dweller, but they sure put up a fight to any angler willing to battle. The White Sturgeon is found in the three major drainages on the Pacific Coast. Their sizes vary, but they average under 10 feet in length. That might seem huge, but the record White Sturgeon was over 20 feet...
Walleye Fish Romper Bodysuit
The waters of Canada and Northern US are full of these highly prized game fish. Anglers usually love a good fight, but the Walleye is an exception. Once hooked, these olive 20 pound pikes don’t give much resistance to any experienced angler. The reward is not in the battle. The Walleye is one of the tastiest freshwater trophies. This Romper...
Southern Redbelly Dace Infant Toddler T Shirt
At first we thought the name was a typo and it was actually “southern red belly dance”. Though the images called to mind with that name are interesting and funny, the southern red belly dace is a cute, red-bellied fish that prefers flowing pools of creeks and streams. It’s one of those fish whose presence is more ornamental than anything....
Tilapia Romper Bodysuit
Tilapia – that one name classifies nearly 100 species of cichlid fish! Native to Africa and the Middle East, this fish has become so popular that it’s been introduced to many fresh water systems across the planet. This Romper Bodysuit can serve as a tribute to the fourth most consumed fish worldwide! Tilapia species have similar characteristics of averaging 10...
Tarpon Fish Romper Bodysuit
Casting, drifting, still fishing, or trolling: with Tarpon, you never know what is going to hit! The only member of the Megalopidae family, these Silver Kings can put on quite a spectacle when being angled, leaping through the air as you reel them in. Whether you are in the Atlantic or Indo-Pacific seas will decide which subspecies you find. This...
Spotted Seatrout Romper Bodysuit
The name of this fish is a misnomer, and just like how Greenland isn’t really green or your pinky isn’t pink, the spotted sea trout really isn’t a trout. It’s actually considered a drum. Nevertheless, the spotted sea trout does inhabit the coasts of Gulf of Mexico and the coastal Atlantic Ocean. Have you ever caught a spotted sea trout?...
Largemouth Zombie Bass Romper Bodysuit
Outside of New Orleans in an undisclosed swamp near Lake Pontchartrain there lies a pool surrounded by cypress and draped with Spanish moss. Dark, dank and stinking, buzzing with flies it lies in constant shadow, its surface still. But if one looks closely, underneath the oily surface of the water ...something moves. At first you see their eyes, ghostly white...
Redear Sunfish Infant Baby Bib
The redear sunfish is also known as the shellcracker because of its primary diet of mollusks and snails. The redear sunfish prowls lakebeds and eats any shelled creatures residing there. Because it has thick teeth, they’re able to crunch exoskeletons. Imagine eating that as a lunch? We like shellfish, but damn… at least we’d be getting our dietary intake of...
Redbreast Sunfish Infant Baby Bib
The redbreast sunfish gets its name from—wait for it—its red breast. They prefer rocky or vegetated pools, and are a popular pan-fish amongst anglers. They’re also a popular fish amongst hobbyists who keep aquariums. We can dig that, and when we’re not catching fish, we like looking at them, especially when they’re pretty. Redbreast sunfish can be caught using live...
Rainbow Trout Infant Baby Bib
You won’t be finding a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but the rainbow trout is a vital fish that has been transplanted and used for food in at least 45 countries. The United States in particular has some world-class fisheries of rainbow trout, such as the Great Lakes, and Wyoming’s Firehole River. ‘Merica! We just had...
Rainbow Darter Infant Baby Bib
The rainbow darter isn’t a fish that you’ll be mounting on your wall, with its miniscule size of three inches but its’s nonetheless alluring with a beautiful color scheme. You also won’t be finding one in a muddy lake anytime soon, as they prefer clean, running waters. We’ve made a Infant Baby Bib after the rainbow darter for all those...
Pink Salmon Infant Baby Bib
The term “pink salmon” may sound redundant, but not all salmon are pink. But not only is this salmon named for its pink color, but its species name means “humpie” when translated from Russian. The pink salmon has been an important fish in salmon production in North America and Russia, with the pink salmon accounting for most of Russia’s salmon...
Paiute Cutthroat Trout Infant Baby Bib
You will find no rarer trout in the US than the Paiute Cutthroat Trout. That makes the strikingly iridescent fish quite a dream for any angler. This Infant Baby Bib is that dream come true. Restoration efforts are being made to save the trout in its native Sierra Nevada waters. Success has been minimal and has closed many fishing spots...
Paddlefish Infant Baby Bib
Deemed a primitive fish, this species is a great find for any angler. Maybe it is best to let this Infant Baby Bib be the only Paddlefish you ever reel in. The dinosaurs might have another extinct member from their time period, as numbers of this large filter feeder are on a swift decline. Pollution and human involvement has made...
Orangethroat Darter Infant Baby Bib
Not all names are the perfect description of their owner. That’s not the case for the Orangethroat Darter. Averaging less than 2 inches in length, this orange and turquoise fish darts around many shallow waters in the Central US river basins. They make for a great tank fish and their prevalence would make you think it’s an easy catch. Best...