Daddy's Lil Squirt Infant Baby Bib
“Squirt” is often used as a term of endearment for little kids or babies. It’s also defined as a “gushing of liquid”. It also has sexual connotations, as evidenced by the internet. Whatever you do, don’t do a web search unless you want to get some results that are less than work safe. Technically speaking, we all are Daddy’s “squirts”....
Get A Drink Infant Baby Bib
Sometimes you just have to be forceful with your demands. Baby needs a drink so pull that tit out and feed the damn thing already! Babies are always hungry and when they are not hungry they are pooping and will be hungry again! Make sure those tits are ready otherwise this hardcore baby is going to find another, more punctual...
Watch Your Language Infant Baby Bib
It's fucking annoying when people curse in front of children and babies! Maybe a little baby can't understand it but, children are extremely absorbent and easy to influence and they absorb everything that people say. This funny Infant Baby Bib is perfect for your baby so when adults are getting rowdy and are cursing at least your baby can tell...
Watch The Language Infant Baby Bib
Diapers are not the only absorbent aspect of your child’s life. Their brains are like little sponges, constantly taking in the world around them as they formulate their own sense of personal identity. This facet of youth is not always a blessing in one’s life. There are many situations in which it can be a curse… literally! With this rude...
Shits and Giggles Infant Baby Bib
Shits and giggles has been a popular phrase for a long time now. Example: you should buy this funny Infant Baby Bib for shits and giggles! It's simple and ironic since your baby basically only shits and giggles like exclusively. I mean, I guess that is hard-wired into all humans. Anyway, you will be sure to have a bunch of...
I Had Boobs Infant Baby Bib
If you’re a baby, there nothing more important than getting your nutrition at the start of the day. Breast milk is the bacon-and-eggs of any baby’s diet, and chomping on those mammaries not only makes a growing boy or girl strong, but it makes the bond between child and mother even closer! Awww, isn’t that cute? It’s the miracle of...
Call Of Doody Infant Baby Bib
The definitive gaming franchise of the past decade helped usher in a new wave of ‘noob’ players to the addicting nature of massive multiplayer campaigns. But even the most ardent supporter of the series has to admit that there’s feeling of repetition in gameplay every time one is rolled out. Little do they know that there’s a new experience about...
Popped Out of Vagina Infant Baby Bib
Who has two thumbs and just pooped out of a vagina? This guy! This hilariously vulgar and funny Infant Baby Bib is perfect for any newborn baby because it so blatantly tells the truth! If you are tired of the same old crap that babies are dressed in then we have the remedy. With this hilarious design; your baby will...
Made In Vachina Infant Baby Bib
Isn't it just so irksome when you look on the tag or label of something and realize it was made in China? It seems like everything is made in China these days. Hell, half the babies that people adopt were made in China too! We have a label here with this funny Infant Baby Bib that all parents can find...
Lil Squirt Infant Baby Bib
Nicknames have been around longer than names! People have always found something to call someone that isn't their actual name but, defines them in some way. Babies and toddlers have been called Squirt for many years! Now with this funny Infant Baby Bib you can show everyone that Daddy's little Squirt has more meanings than just a nickname! Kids are...
Milk Drunk Infant Baby Bib
Sometimes your baby needs to be cut off! The breastmilk chest bar has been open all day and now it's time to cut your milk drunk baby off! It's time for last call because your baby has had waaaay to much to drink. That is some strong stuff; hard-breastmilk can get a baby tit-faced real quick and it's time that...
Ass Kicker Infant Baby Bib
You don’t get to pick your nickname. You have got to be given one! If only all children could be as lucky as the girl from the the zombie TV show and be bestowed with such an epic epithet. Her mother may have selflessly paid the ultimate sacrifice to birth her into the world, but another person was quick to...
Wipe My Butt Infant Baby Bib
The "keep calm" quote is one of the most over-used and under-done phrases ever! The iterations of the "keep calm" statement are endless and now with this funny Infant Baby Bib the "keep calm" saying has now invaded on our babies! We will admit this cute Infant Baby Bib is pretty damn hilarious and any parent would enjoy their child...
Dad Is Jealous Infant Baby Bib
Brisco Brands gives you the opportunity to say what you want in style. This Infant Baby Bib lets you make a statement, show your opinion on a hot button topic, and more! With this Infant Baby Bib, be sure to show how you're really feeling - right on your sleeve! Don't be afraid to say anything with this Infant Baby...
Tore Mommy A New One Infant Baby Bib
Honesty and irony go together better than the ending of Grease! This funny Infant Baby Bib is abundant with both and is perfect for any parents looking to dress their children in something funny and true! Imagine if your child actually said this! It would be hilarious and that's why any parent can be proud of their child unknowingly making...
Dropped Load Infant Baby Bib
Diapers are a wonderful thing. Honestly, I really admire the fact that a baby can wear a diaper and pee and poop everywhere and anywhere! This funny Infant Baby Bib is perfect for your baby so when those annoying people who have to shove their face in the baby cribs and strollers they will see this cute Infant Baby Bib...
Tit Faced Infant Baby Bib
Babies can't get shit faced because they don't drink alcohol! But the do drink a lot of milk, so much milk that they get to the point of being milk-drunk and not just milk-drunk they get completely tit faced! Nothing like seeing a baby drink so hard that they start spitting up, passing out and being completely tit faced and...
Blastin Farts Infant Baby Bib
Babies are adorable that's just a plain and simple fact. No matter whose baby it is, the baby is uber cute! Babies are simple too and unfortunately no matter how cute the baby is, they are all taken. You may want that baby but, you are going to be left heartbroken! This cute Infant Baby Bib is perfect for your...
Won The Race Infant Baby Bib
Before we can really accomplish anything in our lives, we first have to win the greatest race of all. It happens before you’re even conscious and some would say that it’s a miracle. You see, a bunch of tadpole looking things compete with other tadpole things to race down a fleshy corridor to see which one can get inside of...
Won The Race Infant Baby Bib
Hooray, you won! Being born means winning the greatest race of all. Even if you never accomplish anything notable for the rest of your life, you can at least tell everyone that you won the only thing that really matters: life. Keep in mind, you didn’t conquer life in the sense that you’ve achieved mastery over your own; you simply...
Boob Is Life Infant Baby Bib
Do what you love. Love what you do. This was the inspiration that led to two brothers creating a line of apparel that inspired optimism through promoting and encouraging the increase of good things in one’s life. Three simple words… life is good. Those words can be comprehended at almost any age. Yet on this funny boob Infant Baby Bib,...
Bite Me Infant Baby Bib
The life of a shark pup can be very rough! Their iconic bite is not a learned behavior as they can be cannibals in the womb! It may be a way to gain the nutrients needed to grow, but talk about some true sibling rivalry! No wonder these young offspring hardly receive parental affection. When it comes to your own...
Watch The Language Infant Baby Bib
Off-color language is normally synonymous with the obscene. Over the course of time, words have been defined multiple ways. Thus who is to say that any given utterance is truly meant to be indecent? Take the word ‘bitch’ for instance. Just like our Norse ancestors, you could be referencing a female dog. Yet in the current politically correct climate in...
Little Ass Kicker Infant Baby Bib
You don’t get to pick your nickname. You have got to be given one! If only all children could be as lucky as the girl from the the zombie TV show and be bestowed with such an epic epithet. Her mother may have selflessly paid the ultimate sacrifice to birth her into the world, but another person was quick to...
Little Ass Kicker Infant Baby Bib
Life is like a boxing match: defeat is not when you fall, but when you refuse to get back up. Sure, your child may not understand, but one is never too young to proclaim their inner fearless fighting spirit. This boxing Infant Baby Bib is for all the parents who are proud of their own little fighter, also known as...
Mommy Backrub Infant Baby Bib
Couples all over the world know the feeling. There is such a sense of freedom of just being a pair, no real strings holding you two in place. Life still holds spontaneity… that things can change at any moment. Well, this funny Infant Baby Bib documents one of the biggest changes that can happen in a person’s life. Your life...
Just Burpeed Infant Baby Bib
Brisco Brands gives you the opportunity to say what you want in style. This Infant Baby Bib lets you make a statement, show your opinion on a hot button topic, and more! With this Infant Baby Bib, be sure to show how you're really feeling - right on your sleeve! Don't be afraid to say anything with this Infant Baby...
My Bottle Infant Baby Bib
There a few essentials for a baby: bibs, pacifiers, baby formula/breastmilk and that thing the breastmilk goes into…oh right, a BOTTLE. Babies need their bottles all the time everyday every minute. Babies don't eat on your time no matter how much you try and make them. When the baby starts crying for it's bottle that roughly translates to, "bitch better...
Boobs for Breakfast Infant Baby Bib
Honesty in life is important. That notwithstanding, it may not be so appealing if an adult was wearing this design. But a baby is a completely different story! Breast feeding is the way of life and the sooner people stop being so sensitive about it the better. What better way to contribute to that change than dressing your baby in...
Backrub Infant Baby Bib
Things in your home escalate quickly: that time when you had friends over and there was one beer left - turned into a free-for-all brawl, that time when arguing your point escalated into a fully thought out court room session or that time when flipping a coin to choose between your movie or your partners movie escalted into best 543...
These offensive baby bibs will leave you laughing while your baby spits out his or her mushed peas. Shop all inappropriate baby bibs now!