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October 31 is one of the best days to be a kid. Through the years, research has been done, and facts about safety have been gathered. Most parents already instruct their children not to eat candy from uncertain sources without letting mom or dad check it. Other important safety tips follow, along with one alarming statistic.
Babies are totally adorable and it’s not for nothing. They are also pretty interesting from the get-go, if you are paying attention. Starting with infancy, little babies and toddlers are way smarter than we may think. In fact, there is a good chance your little bundle of joy is both...
  Except with a firstborn, the arrival of every new baby means helping siblings to adjust. If a sibling is a toddler, a little extra time and thought may be needed, to assure a healthy transition. Toddlers are often unable to understand exactly what’s happening. They may resent having their...
Obviously, it can be difficult and embarrassing at the same time, to ride on an airplane with a baby who can’t seem to be appeased. It may be possible to improve the situation, with some planning. The following tips on airplane travel with a baby can help.
5 Games Babies Love

5 Games Babies Love

From the time they are born, babies are capable of interacting and having experiences and fun, according to childhood development experts. These five games are sure to accomplish that plus provide important interactions for developmental growth.
Parenting is a challenge for everyone except maybe Nanny McPhee or Mary Poppins, who both happen to be fictional. Every life hack a parent uses could help a frantic day calm down to something less unnerving.