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Blog Filter By Star Wars onesie

It’s National Star Wars Day on May 4 every year, and parents who want the force to be with their children are thrilled about it. Star Wars is a cultural phenomenon, and it all began when the first Star Wars movie introduced a new level of sci-fi believability. Fans got sucked in, and love of the characters and deep space adventures has only gotten stronger. As movie franchises go, the force is strong with this one. And what of National Star Wars Day? Worth celebrating as a family, it is. Do it, you can, as follows.
Simply embrace every moment with your little babies and use that time to dress them how you want them to dress. Talk to them about your passions, like the Star Wars saga and hunting. The window for playing dress-up could, optimistically, last as long as 4.5 years, and those times are far more precious than you could possibly imagine. It’s fantasy time and your only season of true power.