Tips for Parents to Reduce the Chaos
When there are little ones in the household, things can become chaotic very quickly. The demands on a parent alone can make it seem that there’s no way to establish order plus do everything required for survival. But, actually, some efforts toward establishing new routines can flip everything around and turn your household into a more peaceful place. While change in general can be tough, these are the kinds of changes that produce immediate as well as blissfully lasting improvements.
Chaos is Not Good
It’s actually much better for the overall well-being of children if they live in an ordered, somewhat peaceful environment. To be sure, the more kids you have, the more noise there will be. But parents can take charge to provide and enforce structure. The results can be happier family memories and countless benefits, as far as the emotional and social development of your children. The following are tips from experts on child development:
- The first thing to do is start out with goals that your family can manage, and work gradually, as needed, toward a better overall approach to doing things. First steps can involve setting times for the noisy activities that tend to add to the chaos in the household. This can be the time for playing toy instruments or boisterous games.
- Design a daily family structure, though it will have to be adjusted according to the ages of the children. The structure should include all of the everyday things in life, such as: Making the bed, brushing teeth, eating meals together, and doing chores. Use a simple chore chart so that the kids know what they are responsible for and when. Stick to these routines, and the family will be much better prepared to minimize the chaos.
- Although structure is essential, don’t be too rigid. Leave room for everyone to flourish. Routines should allow for productive and rewarding interactions for each member of the family.
- If family members are involved in too many extracurricular activities, cut back on overscheduling. Quality family time is more important than carting children to multiple activities.
- Use checklists or charts, to show progress. It gives children a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to be able to check off the things they are responsible for. At the same time, you’re providing children with disciplines that can serve them for a lifetime.
- Limit the amount of time children can be in front of screens, such as televisions, video games, cell phones, laptops, and tablets. Consider having set times when everyone is allowed to be on their screens. Children are much easier to manage and prepare for a productive life when they aren’t free to escape onto an electronic device whenever they choose.
Controlled Chaos
Every parent knows that the best we can hope to achieve is a form of controlled chaos. That’s part of being a family, and it’s also the most rewarding part of life for a parent. Although it’s great for the kids, controlling the chaos is even better for parents. It’s well worth the effort.