Fish All The Time Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Fishing is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle. We are fishermen and we must feed the monkey (or fish) when it comes to fishing! We spend our days and nights at the lake, river, and ocean or anywhere we can possibly cast into a body of water that may have fish in it! Sometimes though, you have to stop fishing...
Prayer Care Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Prayer is our way of speaking directly to God. Whether we know it or not God is listening. We may not get our answers quickly and we may never see or receive what we pray for. God works in mysterious ways but, giving your faith to him and praying is one way to directly express your faith to Him. God...
Loved Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him" -1 John 4:9. Your child of faith deserves to wear something that conveys that faith. Our little blessings and gifts from God and Jesus unfortunately, cannot share their beliefs and convictions just as they are...
Jesus Loves You Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Unfortunately babies can't talk. So when we are leaning over the cribs and staring at them, making weird noises and saying stupid things we can only guess as to what the baby is thinking. The way we see it there is no reason why a baby can't express their feelings to people. This cute Polka Dot Dress is great for...
Christ Loves Me Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
A faithful lifestyle comes in many shapes and forms, people and places, parents and children. A devout family who is faithful to their Christianity deserves to be able to express that devotion with pride and confidence. This cute Polka Dot Dress is great for babies of faithful parents who want to give their baby a head start in living with...
Stroll With Jesus Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
As religious parents your goal is to devote yourselves to Christianity and walk with the Lord. But what about your baby? Your baby can't walk but, it can surely be just as faithful as you. This cute Polka Dot Dress is perfect for your little blessing. They may not be able to walk with Jesus but, they sure can stroll...
Handle With Prayer Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Everyone already knows that you don't rough house with a baby. You don't throw them around or be tough with them. Babies are universally handled with care. This cute Polka Dot Dress is perfect for any God loving parents who want to dress their babies and toddlers in something with more divinity and spirituality to get your child started in...
AB CD Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
For those about to talk… We salute you! Check out AB/CD's brand new album "For Those About to Talk" today! Featuring hit singles: "GooGoo Gaga" and "Where's my bottle?" Plus don't miss chart topping songs like: "Put me down, wait pick me up," "I'm crying but, for a reason," and "Back in Diapers!" AB/CD is one of the most incredible...
9 Months On The Inside Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
A baby may not have been in jail, that would require lots of evidence, trial and the whole justice crap but, it is really funny to make an ironic comparison of your belly or womb to jail! This funny jail Polka Dot Dress is the perfect way to let your child act as if it is completely free now and...
Cycling With Daddy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Everyone has a thing and your thing is cycling! Bicycles have been around a long time; first used as a means to get places, then recreation, exercise and even competition! You are a cyclist and you can't wait to go cycling with your little baby when they grow up! For now you will have to settle with training wheels and...
Crazy Aunt Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Honesty is the key to life and is important. Babies are the most honest creatures in the world they tell you they don't like something by crying, they tell you they want something by crying and they tell you they enjoy something by cry- laughing! Use this funny Polka Dot Dress to allow your baby to be even more honest...
Made In Vachina Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Isn't it just so irksome when you look on the tag or label of something and realize it was made in China? It seems like everything is made in China these days. Hell, half the babies that people adopt were made in China too! We have a label here with this funny Polka Dot Dress that all parents can find...
Sorry Daddy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
As a husband you have one boss and that is your wife! You must listen to her always, as they say: happy wife, happy life. Even your boss at work takes no precedence on your wife! Now you are a father and that means two bosses! Show everyone with this funny Polka Dot Dress that you always have to listen...
Grandpa's Sidekick Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
There are many superheroes in existence. Sure we may not be able to see them and only get to read about them in comic books, graphic novels and see them in movies but, they are there. They come in the form of family, friends and loved ones. You don't need to stop a burning building, fight a giant monster or...
Rock Shirt Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Your little rocker deserves to be rocking out everywhere he or she goes. If you need a rock shirt for your baby look no farther then this cute Polka Dot Dress. Babies’ rock and you rocking parents can't wait to be head-banging with your child! Get your baby ready for all the little rock shirts he or she will be...
Snuggle Is Real Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
We all have some hard times and struggle with things in our lives. Even babies struggle with baby stuff like; sipping a broken bottle or the pacifier falls on the floor or maybe a full diaper. The struggle is real for everyone even babies…Oh wait! This Cute Polka Dot Dress says that the SNUGGLE is real! That's adorable and any...
Straight Outta Mommy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
There are some great references out there these days but, you don't have to be a fan of rap to think this cute Polka Dot Dress is hilarious and clever! Maybe the inside of mommy may not be as bad a Compton but, it says a lot about your baby anyway! Show everyone that your baby is awesome cause it's...
Aunt is Single Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
It's the Aunts day to babysit and what better way to dress the baby than this cute Polka Dot Dress? There has been plenty of debate over whether or not it's ethical to use a baby as leverage to pick up dates! We say GO FOR IT! Why not? Babies are adorable and are the ultimate conversation starter! As its...
I Am Your Daughter Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Brisco Brands gives you the opportunity to say what you want in style. This Polka Dot Dress lets you make a statement, show your opinion on a hot button topic, and more! With this Polka Dot Dress, be sure to show how you're really feeling - right on your sleeve! Don't be afraid to say anything with this Polka Dot...
You Are My Father Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Brisco Brands gives you the opportunity to say what you want in style. This Polka Dot Dress lets you make a statement, show your opinion on a hot button topic, and more! With this Polka Dot Dress, be sure to show how you're really feeling - right on your sleeve! Don't be afraid to say anything with this Polka Dot...
In Charge Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Moms like to kid themselves. They think because they are the mother that they are in charge! In a child's mind though they are thinking, "mommy is definitely not my boss!" No matter how many times moms think they laid down the law and made themselves clear, toddlers and kids know better than that! This funny Polka Dot Dress is...
Return Platofrm 9 3/4 Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Are you are fan of wizards, magic, and mystery? Of course you are! Wear this Polka Dot Dress to announce to the world that you love casting spells and mixing up potions. You're nerdy and you know it! Wear your Polka Dot Dress with pride! Generally, running into brick walls is ill advised but in this case we'll make an...
Accio Mommy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
You can't do everything on your own. That's why you need to say "Accio Mommy" and summon her in! For you young wizards and witches, this is a great little piece of wizarding lore for you! This Polka Dot Dress s perfect for when you need to get something on the top shelf but you can't quite pronounce spells yet....
Marry My Daddy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Being a single father is tough but, you got the biggest chick magnet in the word and that is a baby! Throw all your pick-up lines away, leave all your wingmen at home and take your baby for a stroll at the park, mall, grocery store or literally anywhere and watch as the women flock to you! With this adorable...
Force Awakens You Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Something awakens and we're not talking about the space movie movie either! We are talking about the loud crying of your baby in its crib at 2 in the morning! Its cry and screams are the force that awakens you! Like gravity it is unstoppable and unchangeable a force to reckon with! All the heroes of space movie wouldn't be...
Future Gaming Buddy Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Now this cute Polka Dot Dress is one I can get on board with! Calling all gamers who have ruined their gaming time by having children! You need this funny Polka Dot Dress for your baby because you want everyone to know that you will be gaming with this little guy or girl soon enough. Every parent likes to share...
Crawl Walk Surf Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
You the surfing parent want nothing more than your rad little baby to start surfing with you! Obviously, that won't happen overnight and it may take a while before you and your baby are riding those massive waves! Before you can surf you need to learn how to walk and before you can walk you need to learn how to...
I Didn't Do It Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
I want it on record that my client is not guilty of whatever absurd charges you have felt he deserved! (I'm speaking as the lawy- I mean Grandpa right now.) Anyway, you have no right to accuse since there are no witnesses and no real evidence, obviously my client is being discriminated against because they are a child! This type...
Oh Snap Camera Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
OH, SNAP! This adorable little baby is the best, most photogenic little baby in the world. How you don't snap pictures of this cute little child all the time, every minute of every day is beyond me! Get this, oh snap Polka Dot Dress for your baby today and show everyone just how cute your baby is! This oh snap...
Watching the Game Baby Polka Dot Skirt Dress
Sports are a great bonding moment with a child. As the father you enjoy watching the game whether it's football, soccer, hockey, baseball, basketball or any other sport you may enjoy. All sports immediately get better and more exciting once you are watching it with your child! It doesn't matter if they are too young to comprehend what is going...