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Moments with a new baby are precious few and yet can be stressful, and the pressure can be greater at Christmas. It’s normal for parents to struggle with enjoying the responsibilities of raising a tiny baby. After all, becoming new parents marks a milestone in which life is suddenly brand new. Everything revolves around a tiny human! When pressure starts to build, relax and dress your baby in a funny Call of Doody onesie. The following are more tips for remaining calm and enjoying your baby during the Christmas season.
Babies are totally adorable and it’s not for nothing. They are also pretty interesting from the get-go, if you are paying attention. Starting with infancy, little babies and toddlers are way smarter than we may think. In fact, there is a good chance your little bundle of joy is both...
  Except with a firstborn, the arrival of every new baby means helping siblings to adjust. If a sibling is a toddler, a little extra time and thought may be needed, to assure a healthy transition. Toddlers are often unable to understand exactly what’s happening. They may resent having their...
As a busy parent dealing with all the challenges of raising a baby, did you ever wonder what babies have on their minds? Just born into the world, everything is brand new, of course.
Becoming a parent is such a drastic transformation. It begins the moment you see the positive results of your EPT. Ready or not, here new life comes. Suddenly, life has a whole new direction. The calendar no longer represents months, only trimesters. Then the studying begins. You read everything on...