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One of the most beautiful things in the world is a dad who loves and invests in his children. Everyone knows that moms typically carry the lion’s share of responsibility for the day-to-day minutia of raising kids from infanthood up. When a man gets in there and fully participates in child-rearing, well, there’s just nothing better in the world. Learn some great tips on being a great father below.
As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, you may instinctively realize that the children will be cramped up in the house more than ever in winter. This can be just one more on the long list of things that could stress you out. Parenting is fraught with trials, but there are things we can do to ease anxieties to come. It may not be winter that fills you with trepidation, but whatever your struggle is, there is help. Check out the following six ways to reduce parental stress.
Tips to Avoid Parent Burnout

Tips to Avoid Parent Burnout

If you are a parent, no one has to tell you how quickly the demands of each day can make you feel overwhelmed. It’s important for parents not to get to the point where they sincerely want to just run away and keep on running. Things absolutely do not have to get anywhere near that point. Check out the following tips to help you avoid parental burnout.
Scientific research clearly shows that children with stay-at-home moms enjoy numerous benefits over those who are relegated to childcare. The evidence is also overwhelming that, in many ways, stay-at-home moms get the short end of the stick.
The amazing experience of being a parent can quickly be dampened by the necessity of living with constant crying. A crying baby can wear parents down, and that’s the reality of it. It helps to know what's going on. Here are some of the reasons babies make so much noise.
It hasn’t just been hot this summer. It’s been too hot even for kids to enjoy being outside. The unrelenting sun is too much of a threat, with the harsh UV rays. Of course, it’s a sad affair when the kids are forced to play indoors on sunny days and rainy days. We parents tend to go crazy, as the kids become bored to tears and start bouncing off the walls, as they say. The following are some indoor activities for kids, perfect for rainy and tortuously hot days.